Computer Science 318

Fundamentals of Web Design

Setting Up Visual Studio Code



Open Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Home page The main area you will use in Visual Studio Code is the file area.



Click on the gear icon.

Select settings from the menu

VSC setting menu

In the list menu click on "Extensions", then "HTML"


Scroll down about 10 to 15 checkboxes to the Wrap Attributes, select auto

VSC Auto wrap

Scroll down three more checkboxes to the Documentation and References settings, uncheck them.

VSC documentation setting

Click on the Extensions icon in the left menu.

Search for "W3C Web Validator" and click on the search results.

VSC w3c search

Click on install. This extension will automatically run the file you save through the validator. There will be a pop up message display telling you if there are any errors, warning, or if it is valid.

VSC Validator install

You are done setting up Visual Studio Code for this class. There are many other setting you can customize if you would like.