Computer Science 318

Fundamentals of Web Design

The Syllabus

Liberal Education Core Syllabus Language

The Liberal Education Core is designed to assist you to develop the skills, knowledge and values needed to engage with highly diverse communities in a global society. Through the liberal education core, UWEC hopes to foster in you the ability to think with intellectual rigor, creativity, and independence, to develop your ability to integrate and apply knowledge, and to empower you to act as a humane, thoughtful leader in the community, the workplace, and the world of ideas. By beginning with the liberal education core and working toward its learning outcomes, we seek to help you establish a strong, broad foundation around which you will build a rich baccalaureate program.

In this course we will investigate the design of static web pages. We will use HTML5 and CSS to structure and style content.

Upon successfully completing this course you will be able to:

The Instructor

name: Theresa Hanson

pronouns: she/her/hers



office: Phillips 140

office hours: by appointment. Email me to set up a time.

communication: Your instructor has a finite amount of time. All emails will be answered between the hours of 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. If you have multiple questions in your email please number them, to ensure they will all get answered.

about: Master's of Fine Arts in Media Design (Full Sail University), Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Illustration (UWEC). Eight years experience as a professional web designer, ten years experience as a graphic designer, four years experience as a instructor.

The Tools

The Software

Visual Studio Code

Adobe Creative Cloud: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign


The Websites

HTML validator

CSS Validator

MDN Web Docs

Color Palette Generator



The Assignments

20 Labs

worth: 1 pt/lab

3 Quizzes

worth: 4 pts/quiz

10 Discussions

worth: 2 pts/discussion

The Portfolio Project

worth: 8 pts

The Client Project

worth: 40 pts

The most significant activity of this course is the design and implementation of a website for a “third-party client”. The project will be broken down into milestones, reviewed several times by your peers, and ultimately delivered to your client.


Grade Points

Important Dates

February 7th

Last day to drop full-semester courses with no record. Last day to register for full-semester courses without deans approval. Last day to change grade basis to/from Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory or Audit. After this date a Change of Registration form with proper signatures is required.

April 11th

Last day to file withdrawal from the University with “W”s. Last day to withdraw from individual full-semester classes.

March 17th - 21st

Spring Recess

May 9th

Classes ends

May 12th - 26th

Final Exams


Any student who has a disability and is in need of classroom accommodations, please contact the instructor and the Services for Students with Disabilities Office in Centennial Hall 2106 at the beginning of the semester.


Regular attendance of both lecture and lab are required for success in the class. Each student get two unexcused absences without penalty. A third unexcused absence will lower the students grade one letter. You are required to let your professor know in advance of your absence via email in order for your absence to be excused and not result in penalty. Any missed assignments, notes, or materials missed due to an unauthorized absence will not be provided by your professor. Allowed authorized absences

As a general rule, make ups for missed in-class activities, quizzes, exams, etc. will be provided when a student has an authorized absence. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of such situations and to provide appropriate documentation. Students will need to consult with the instructor regarding the nature of the make ups prior to the due date. Although students will not be penalized when absences are authorized, it is important to understand that in some cases the make up work may be significantly different from the original assignments, exams, etc.

COVID-19 Related Absences

Students who are sick, who are engaging in self-quarantine at the direction of a health care professional, or who suspect they may be ill due to COVID-19 exposure should not attend in-person classes, will not be required to provide formal documentation from a health care provider, and will not be penalized for absences. Students who are unable to attend class in their assigned format must contact their instructors in a timely manner and are responsible for completing any assignments or other learning activities from the time of their absence. Students who have conditions that may prevent them from attending any classes in person should consult with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities about possible accommodations.

Health and Safety in the Classroom

Each of us shares responsibility for the health and safety of all in the classroom environment. Maintaining social distances, wearing a face cover, and self-reporting symptomatic information are university directives that we all must follow until further notice (for the latest guidance see

Specifically, in this classroom we will mitigate the risks of virus transfer by abiding by the following safety directives:

In the classroom, any student who does not follow these provisions will be asked once to follow the safety directives. If the student does not comply, I will next ask the student to leave the class for that day. I will also refer the matter to the Dean of Students Office for review should a student persist in ignoring safety directives.

EDI: Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

All students are encouraged to connect with University faculty and staff about any individual needs and social group identities that may be relevant to the quality of their experience. Such individual needs may relate to English language proficiency, parental or other care-giving responsibilities, cultural and/or gender identities, veteran status, immigration status, mental health needs, or other factors. We are committed to helping all students connect with campus support and to maintaining a supportive environment for all.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct is an act in which a student:

Collaboration, Cheating, and the Difference Between the Two

There are two different kinds of working together: collaborating and plagiarism.



I am compelled by UWEC policy to notify the Department if I find evidence of plagiarism. Note that academic dishonesty includes not only cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism, but also includes helping other students commit acts of academic dishonesty by allowing them to obtain copies of your work. You are allowed to use the Web for reference purposes, but you may not copy material from any website or any other source without proper citations (APA formatting). In short, all submitted work must be your own. Cases of academic dishonesty will be dealt with strictly.

The academic penalty for a finding of responsibility can range from a grade of zero in the specific assignment to an F in this course.

Misuse of Computer Resources

Conduct that involves any of the following: